AND: The lab continues! Same Zoom link. We'll meet again on Sunday, 29th March at 17:30 for reading "Unruly Edges: Mushrooms as Companion Species" of Anna Tsing and making herbal essence. Have with you the text ( and a jar, oil and a herb, ideally one that contains a lot of essential oil (pick some Bärlauch or let's try nettel, you may also get some thyme or rosemary from your local dealer).

AND: we continued until the evening sun invited us to move away from our computers.

The jelli Lab 2020

Friday, 20. March

7pm (UTC+1)
Screening of "Vas a cielo y vas llorando" (2020) by Naysa Andrade, performer: MaX Provenzano, Elena Victoria Pastor, Naysa Andrade.
& Shared experience "Potato hug" by Elena Victoria Pastor.
//Keep a potato in reach!

Afterwards: chat about timing and proposals

Saturday, 21. March

4pm (UTC+1)
Fermentation workshop with Katrin Bergstein
//Keep some vegetables, a knife, a cutting board and empty jars in reach!

Sunday, 22. March

//Go take a walk and bring home some parts of wild plants (may they be known or unknown to you)

4pm (UTC+1)
Making sense of the plants we found.

Reading Circle "Unruly Edges: Mushrooms as Companion Species" by Anna Tsing []. No need to prepare, just have the text ready to read together.

5:30pm (UTC+1)
Input and talk with Lea Böttinger: the transgenerational development of sexpheromones of wasps

Tune in with slime moulds singing a song.
external soundcloud link